Customer Engagement Resolutions for 2022

2022 is here, what are your New Year’s resolutions? We all have personal goals we want to achieve, however we must also do the same with our companies. Many companies view a new year as an opportunity to refocus their goals around purpose, using their platform to lead with change. But is your company taking steps to make change a reality?
This article from Forbes highlights how many companies fall short in their commitments to change, framing them in common archetypes:
- In search of focus (37% of companies)
- Aligned but constrained (24% of companies)
- Stuck and skeptical (20% of companies)
- Struggling to keep up (19% of companies)
Regardless of category, all companies face differing levels of challenge when trying to lead with change. However, how does a company get past these common shortcomings, and meet their resolutions of leading with change in the coming year?
The answer is the same as almost all CSR solutions: focusing on purpose, the long term, and adopting to a changing future. As this article states, “purpose is the reason a company exists,” with it leading and informing all aspects of a company’s approach to CSR. With this in mind, it is no surprise that a focus on purpose results in stronger, longer lasting commitments to change. “As change becomes more pervasive and companies’ employee bases more diverse, there’s a strong need for a unifying anchor that provides context and focus. Purpose creates an important sense of belonging and attachment.”
How Impactree Builds Customer Retention
As we continue to adapt to the world which COVID-19 has created, using purpose and new technology is the best way for companies to continue leading with change. At Impactree, we have built our platform to assist companies in this goal, constructing our service to help define and unify brand purpose, while being a service perfectly adaptable for remote work and an always online workforce. With Impactree, companies can centralize resources, and link employees and customers to sweepstakes, coupons, surveys, or partners in change; all centralized in one, embeddable location.